All 10 NFTs are programmed in a way that besides the full amount of the initial sale, after each trade 10% of the artwork’s newly defined worth automatically goes to benefit the animals. Artifoodles are a thought-provoking showcase of how the food industry alters meat products to make it palatable for their consumers. Each photograph requires the viewer to look twice as it is not clear what is actually shown. Artifoodles raise the question of what we eat and that there is a backstory to every snack. By becoming the owner of an Artifoodle you will be donating to people that give animals a new home and reward the work of many volunteers. Proof of donations will be made public on Twitter.
An NFT or “Non-Fungible Token” is a unique digital asset that is secured with the technology of the Ethereum blockchain. Each NFT is stored in this immutable, decentralized database. An NFT can be any digital file: a video, photo, audio file or document.
Artifoodles are “saved” on the Polygon blockchain, which is compatible with ETH, Ethereum’s currency. The advantage is that there are no wallet initialization fees and no fees for buying and selling an Artifoodle. For more infos check OpenSea’s FAQ → “How do I purchase NFTs on Polygon?”.
If you already own ETH, you can spend it easily by “bridging” your wallet from the Ethereum network to the Polygon network → “How do I transfer ETH from Ethereum to Polygon?”. This still shows how early we are with crypto currencies, it still requires a lot of enthusiasm to get going.
Click on an Artifoodle to get directed to the NFT on OpenSea.